The heart of the farm
In the old pigsty on the farm, we have set up our Café and Country Kitchen where we cook and serve the farm's food. Here we serve a breakfast buffet for our resident guests, home-baked scones and sweet pastries with the coffee. We have hearty sandwiches, hot lunches and during parts of the season we serve Sunday dinner.
The farm's kitchen offers fresh, clean ingredients from the area and everything we serve is home-baked and cooked from scratch as far as possible. The food is rural and rustic and our menu includes everything from Swedish home cooking to dishes inspired by the corners of the world.
Our talented serving staff will be happy to serve you a good cup of coffee after your meal or with your coffee, brewed coffee such as cappuccino or latte from our coffee machine - simply an extra golden edge to your coffee time. We also organize a lot of events on the farm, event evenings with dinners, after work, weddings and much more!
OPEN - all year around
Torsdag-söndag 11-16, köket stänger 15:30
Meny vecka 13
Vi uppdaterar vår meny varje onsdag!

Our tasty sandwiches
Home made scones with cream cheese, jam & butter med färskost, kvittenmarmelad & smör
"Svabesholmaren" – hot smoked loin with curry remoulade & roasted onion on dark sunflower bread
”Kungen” – brantevikssill, ägg & prästost på
dark sunflower bread

Hot lunches
Bröd & smör ingår till maten
Kaffe på maten torsdag & fredag
Pankofriterad pulled pork med bakad tomat & picklad rödlök serveras med dragonkräm
& rostad potatis
Ångad torsfilé med citronbakade, gula morötter
& sandefjordsås serveras med dillsmörad potatis
Falafel med syrad spetskål, pico de gallo samt fetaost serveras med hummus & vitlökssås

Kid's menu
Pasta med köttfärssås